Thursday, January 27, 2011


So I am loving India and learning so much.... but honestly..... mama is homesick!!! I am not regretting my decision at all to come here, but I am wondering why I decided to stay so long. I know this is just a temporary feeling.... and not feeling well (still) is not helping either. My placement is not at all what I had hoped for and there is really nothing that can be done about it. So basically I am stuck babysitting 40 kids who can not understand me and do not listen to anything anyone says. What I would give to have Gin in my arms, vega in my lap while laying in my bed in Austin.....

Oh Austin.... I REALLY MISS YOU!

I miss all my amazing friends that I have been so blessed to have in my life...

 my daily talks with Mama and Papa Dukes

and constant sissie texts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 I haven't gotten to talk to him since I have been here since my calling cards will not work! OH INDIA WHY ARE SO FAR FROM MY REGULAR LIFE....

love and miss you all so



  1. Angel,

    Love these comments and your thoughts!! MISS U SOOOOOO MUCH!!!

    Keep up the blogs.



  2. so sorry you're homesick, winston. but WHY AM I NOT MENTIONED OR IN ANY OF YOUR PICTURES? do i need to divorce you as a cousin?? you know i'm your fave. love you!

  3. girl I MISS YOU TOO! my texting life has decreased SO MUCH since you left. i know this feeling will pass though, it's probably because you're now settling in there (since it's been a few weeks) and haven't been feeling well. things will turn around girlature! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY SF!

  4. Oh, Hil - I am so very sorry you are feeling homesick. I know it's natural and to be expected, but it still is a very bad feeling. Just remember- this too shall pass. You will get to feeling better, and things will look rosier. Even though you don't think the kids are paying attention and learning anything from you, they are. Kids are like sponges, and they soak up everything. I speak from the experience of raising 4 fabulous daughters who constantly amaze me. I sit back sometimes and say to myself "They actually were listening"! I love you, and am proud of you, and wish you happy thoughts and good feelings.
    Love and miss you,

    Ma / aka Gina / aka Shumone
