Friday, January 7, 2011

Delhi bound!!

I am extremely sleep deprived so please excuse if this post is completely misspelled or does not make any sense... but I promised a post once I got to London so here it is!!!I So far all of my flights have been great, but due to my excitement/jitters/medication (for malaria not cause I'm cray cray) I can not sleep at all!! So needless to say I have watched many movies and drank lots of champagne and enjoyed every minute so far!

Delish food that I am eating WAY to much of...

and now just waiting (and yes.... having another glass of champagne) for my next flight!

I am sooooooo excited but also miss everyone so much already! My last week in Austin was packed with parties, shopping, packing and my parents seeing me off. I am so thankful for my parent's coming and getting to spend my last few days with them and amazing friends!

Love to you all... next stop.... New Delhi!!!!!!!!!


p.s... In my sleep deprivation lets just say I also have many fun weekend trips planned out that are going to be amazing!!!
 p.p.s... This is my 10th time trying to blog this...... I am a h.a.m right now (hot a** mess)... oh sleep I can't wait for ya...


  1. hey! It,s almost 5:30 Texas time, and I can't sleep either. I am enjoying reading your blog, and look forward to more postings! Love you girlature

  2. Love you Patty cakes! It's funny cause I wrote that in London so it was actually 9 am in the morning.... maybe I should change my computer time to Delhi time... hmmmmmm

  3. Angel,

    Mom and I are reading this prior to going to Waffle House...Mom is crying...I'm just soooo happy that you're safe in Dehli. Love & miss you sooo much.


  4. Hey, Sweet Girl,
    Dad has set it where your blog pops up on my computer screen,, and all I have to do is click on the read your latest posting. I'm so happy to learn that you are there safely, and already making friends and plans. That's my Hil. Stay safe, and keep in touch as often as you can. We love and miss you so much.
    Ma / aka Gina / aka Shumone

  5. Hey! Just checking in...even though is is after midnight where you are. It rained all night last night, but started snowing a couple of hours agao, and we already have more than 2". It is a beautiful snow, with large, fluffy flakes. I think Austin is getting rain. This is the kind of snow that I like...pretty and quiet, and watching it from inside my cozy house. No driving or shoveling!
    Looking forward to more posts from you about your exciting addventures! Love and hugs. Aunt Pattycakes! Scooter and Meetsa say hello!
